
Social Media Platforms You Do Not Know Existed

New social media platforms emerge frequently, so there may be several that have appeared since then. However, I can suggest seven social media platforms that were relatively new or gaining popularity around that time. Keep in mind that the popularity and existence of these platforms may have changed since my last update:

Clubhouse: Clubhouse was gaining attention in 2021. It’s an audio-based social networking platform that allows users to host and participate in live audio conversations.

Discord: While not entirely new, Discord saw significant growth in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic as a platform for communication, particularly for gamers and communities.

Vero: Vero positioned itself as an ad-free and more privacy-focused alternative to traditional social media platforms. It gained some attention for its unique approach to sharing content.

MeWe: MeWe is often marketed as a privacy-focused social network, aiming to provide users with control over their data and communications.

Triller: Triller is a social media platform primarily centered around short video content and music. It’s often compared to TikTok.

Rumble: Rumble is a video-sharing platform that aims to compete with YouTube by offering creators more control over their content and monetization options.

Dispo: Dispo is a photo-sharing app that mimics the experience of using a disposable camera. Users have to wait until the next morning to see the photos they took.

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